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WHy are people commenting in the sales threads

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
If i seek an appraisal i will ask , it seems to be many are throwing in their opinions ..... when no one has asked them ???? not good , remember you may be selling here one day , do you want us to 'comment' on your sales prices ?? if you dont like dont buy ...... very simple , have a great day all !!
.......... yes i deleted my comments from the sales threads , i should have known better !!!!!! :eek: please be aware your comments stay on the net , it may affect future values ....... says me trying not to sound like a hypocrite , i wont be commenting in anyones sales thread again ! cheers
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Regular Member
If people dont want comments, dont post on a forum, put it up on sedo or ebay, very simple.

I've made several comments and I'm more than happy for others to do the same if I try to sell on the forum.


Regular Member
LMAO at this.

Seriously isnt that what a forum is all about, comments???

I got a full page of fairly lame comments in my for sale thread in less then 48hours, some comments by you My Spacey.....


If this becomes a real issue, then ill consider making it policy for the Sales Threads to contain NO OPINION on domains worth, or usability. It will be strictly for offers, questions related to the sale and any other relevant details.

Though at this stage, nothing will change, if you don't want people to comment on your domain sale then maybe make a note in your Post asking people to keep comments to themselves :)

Actually just thinking about this a little more, maybe ill add a section for Domain Appraisals, so you can post your domain and expect to receive constructive criticism or advice. What do you think, is that a good idea to implement and then leave all sales threads to JUST sales offers and questions etc?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
yes i stated i did comment in a sales thread , and as i stated i should not have !! either should anyone else , yes do chat in the chat section , but sales threads are different it should be about the sale , yep an appraisal section is the go , most forums dont accept chit chat in sales threads , as stated sales are sales , chat is chat , appraisals are appraisals .... simple , oh by the way i appraised your name stoscano at namepros , in the appraisals section

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