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WHICH domain extension should i pick


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i have a new client without a domain name and honestly i am unsure of my advice to him, well actually i am sure of my advice to him but i've taken him on as a student, he is 18yrs old and plays guitar at my local shopping center.

he is totally xfactor, the voice, you got talent, australian idol

so lets call him "dubbodentist" , so dubbodentist.com.au AND .com are available, his last name "dentist" is available in .com.au but not .com

so do i chose the .com or the .com.au, so his last name is worthless to add to the issue thus the reason why the domains are still available as hand reg.

so NOW lets call his last name " kangarooooooooooo123456789oooooo"
to be totally silly

SO, i personally are thinking he goes his full name eg " timconnell.com" rather then restricting him to being a .com.au BUT if the kid becomes famous what happens if someone steals his .com.au name???

eg: lara bingle

opinions please


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Having worked in the music industry for the better part of the last 10 years, I can tell you now, domain squatting is probably the least of your worries.

However, my first preference is
FirstNameLastName.com OR BandName.com

If that's not available, these phrases are used very often as well.

.com is much more preferable to .com.au

Tell him to secure his Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Soundcloud, Youtube handles. I think these are much more important than a website for a musician.


Top Contributor
i think he can skip the .beer

thanks been, good to hear a reply from someone who knows the industry.

his .com isn't taken so we will go down that path.

he has what i think is a REALLY cool name, i tell you once i register it, i can't see it being taken before monday, its kinda like "anthony callea" and he has already the websites you suggest THATS why i said to him " you don't own your .com yet !!!!!!!!!!! "



Top Contributor
Tell him to busk for another hour and get the lot.

in my mind i TOTALLY agree, i'm just looking back at me at 19yr and now i'm thinking i need to bypass him and phone his parents as i seriously think this guy is HOT, i don't want to make any money from him as i said just get him OUT THERE.

the more i think of his music the more i love it.

'm in mentor mode with a direct palm off to someone that actually can help him as i am NOT that person.



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Just register for him. Despite most musos knowing their way around pro tools etc most don't have a internet business mind from my experience.

Do that, then post his sound cloud so we can have a listen.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor

He did seem quite skilled and a bit different, i can just see it now, x-factor backstage, there's Nathan, his mum and dad and oh yeah Tim the guy who registered the .com for me …..LOL
Meanwhile these guys are a bit more my speed ( went and watched them last night ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=524F9_rZYAM
I do remember seeing Eskimo Joe trying their lick on crowd funding which i thought was a bit rich, it's much better for people starting out


Top Contributor
thats a friday funny, low hanging guitars, long hair, shaking OF the long hair, slamming the mic stand, excessive use of lighting, 1 foot on the front speaker, PLAYING the mic stand.......... the list goes onnnnnnnnnnnn

all that was missing was the vodka bottle ! but the beer comes out in the next video, ooohhhh forgot to mention the black tshirts

tim, i must be getting old and my teenage years are now being revisited.

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