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If the thing doesn't sell, you don't pay anything. It's a no risk option for the seller, but it does often come with additional terms. E.g. in the case of domain names, if the agent spends considerable time marketing the domain name, and perhaps even lines up a buyer, then you decide at the last minute you don't want to sell, there may be a penalty clause so you have to pay something for the agent's efforts.



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Thoughts ?

Cheers Liquid
If you decide to let it drop send me a private message (PM) before you do so I can give you some money for it instead. (You can send a PM by left-clicking on my username then select the private message link).


Regular Member
dont want to sound like a broken record but what you guys think this one is worth if i put in the effort.



Regular Member
too right too many terms and agreements

It's really just a safety net so that the agent doesn't do hundreds of hours of work only for the seller to turn around and say "Actually, I've decided not to sell" for no apparent reason.

The alternative is that you pay a fee in advance, irrespective of whether the domain name sells, or even if the agent puts in any effort at all.

It sorts the people who are really interested in selling from those who just want a valuation.


Top Contributor
If the thing doesn't sell, you don't pay anything. It's a no risk option for the seller, but it does often come with additional terms. E.g. in the case of domain names, if the agent spends considerable time marketing the domain name, and perhaps even lines up a buyer, then you decide at the last minute you don't want to sell, there may be a penalty clause so you have to pay something for the agent's efforts.

good explanation, that's a keeper.


Top Contributor
Would be good for one of those motivational PDF / motivational plan type sites. Nice score.

p.s $50 buyer premium plus $2 bid, correct?

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