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Some Folks Kids!


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Zora Bell became the youngest person to ever create a mobile game app, when her app was unveiled at the University of Pennsylvania Bootstrap Expo last month. Zora did all the programming using the Bootstrap language. She is just 7 years old and still finishing the first grade.

Ashley Qualls created her online business Whatever Life in 2004 as a hobby, when she was just 14 years old. By 2012 she had an estimated worth of $8 million and her site was ranked 349 out of 20 million web pages (ahead of Oprah, American Idol and CBS websites).

When he was 14, Sean Belnick started a business selling office furniture. Within just two years he was grossing $38 million a year (this wasn't his first business either, at 14 he was already making $1000 a month selling Pokemon cards and other collectibles on eBay).

Catherine Cook, along with her brother Dave, started a business called My Yearbook whilst still in high school in 2005. In 2011 they sold it for $100 million and Catherine is now the CEO at just 22 years of age (hyper-successful new generation entrepeneurism runs in the family, her older brother, Sean, had already started and sold two businesses for $10 million whilst still in college).

Source ThinkBig Magazine


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love hearing that kinda stuff, i started my own business when i was 11 ( 1987 ) and was netting over $3.50 a week ! how things have changed


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