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Purchasing when pissed!


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I think ebay you can get a real rush when buying due to the competition and the excitement of the count down however couldnt see myself shopping online.


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I don't shop online either, and my reasons are pretty simple. I want to know upfront what something costs, I don't want to make decisions and I want to pay GST.

I want a site to do a geo-ip lookup and then estimate all my shipping costs, then estimate my urgency and offer me a price. There needs to be enough fat in the vendors price to negate any errors in their geo-ip estimate so they don't need to try fix stuff after they get my real address.

I despise being given different shipping options, in my mind this is just a plot to justify not showing the end price on the product description page. I think average is good enough, so make the choice for me and tell me what you think is the best delivery option and tell me the effects of your decision (will take 3 business days to deliver, and you have to be sitting in your house to sign for it)

The paying GST bit is just because I am getting old and I am starting to realize what greases the wheels for the lifestyle I am living (and hope to live) so deliberately avoiding GST just seems pointless to me in the long run.

I think the basic psychology behind my issue is that I can buy the product in a hundred different locations so the first thing I do is open the first 6 results from Google (in different tabs) and then I scan each site and pick my favorite. Ironically I pick my favorite based on color scheme and logo (not on price) Then I start the purchase process and I click about till I find the initial price, and I compare this to maybe two of the other sites open and if it is within about 10% of the other two then I stay on the site and I go into the "checkout" process. This is where the train comes unstuck as I am confronted with all the shipping costs and delivery considerations. There are now extra variables to consider and my mind just screams at me to go and check the "other" sites, at this point my rational mind kicks in and says "your time is worth more to you than the effort of checking variables on the other sites", so I decide to just go ahead BUT then my sense of justice kicks in and says "this site just tricked you to get to this point by hiding variables" so I close all the tabs and just leave with a bad case of the "I don't shop online" blues.

I think it might be time for me to try the shopping after drinking option, as then my mind is less likely to scream at me to compare the variables...


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I usually buy something online if it is unique and if I know the price is good, recently but it seems shoes are cheaper in stores then online.

But to the main question have s purchased items when been under the influence nope, but I have sold things to people on eBay who claim to be drunk or claim to have had their kids come on the account and hit buy it now, van be very annoying if you are a seller and the negotiation process is very bad from eBays end.


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Because of the nature of my business, I do alot of purchases of software and code online for work, and I did buy another livescribe pen online from the US. I love love love my Echo Pro Livescribe Pen .. a must for those who are sick of notes of paper left everywhere when writing down ideas..

But I don't get people who buy clothes and shoes online.. I just don't get it.. but then again I rarely shop - my husband shops way more than me, in the shopping centres, online, whatever.. me, I do the research and would prefer some human contact so I can drive them crazy with specific questions relating to my purchase should I decided to buy anything.

.. except clothes when I feel I have to stop looking eccentric... I confess too - I can barely even work out how to list something on ebay.. it's so damn confusing.

I think anything done at a computer when having had a drink or two too many could give you permanently bad repercussions... like that tattoo you woke up with and never knew anything about getting - it's way too permanent for me.

That was a good read .. I think the title of it should be ... Online Merchants HONE in, not HOME in.. based on my interpretation and reading about it here.. http://grammar.about.com/od/alightersideofwriting/a/homehonegloss.htm


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