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Password Reset


Top Contributor
A few days ago, the OpenSSL project announced details of a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL. The issue has been given the nickname Heartbleed and something you’ll probably hear about over the coming days. OpenSSL is a software library for encrypted services running on the majority of Internet servers so as a precaution we are taking the steps to reset all passwords on DNTrade. We have already updated our systems, however we think resetting all user passwords is good proactive measure to help maintain the security of our members.

Fellow member BenWalker posted about this, if you have any questions or resources related to the Heartbleed issue, please share them on this thread:


If you're experiencing any login issues, here are a few steps that should help as a workaround:

  • Make sure your bookmark/shortcut points to https://www.dntrade.com.au
  • Clear your browser cookies (more info)
  • If you're using a password manager, make sure you're using the correct login with your new password

If you're still experiencing problems, just let us know and we'll look into it for you:


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Regular Member
We assessed all vulnerabilities on our serves yesterday.

The good news for those panicking, is that only 1/5 of our servers were vulnerable


Top Contributor
friday funny is i couldn't log in to read the thread even though i got the email.

perhaps the explanation for the password reset could have been included in the email. :)



Top Contributor
So, I didn't know about the password reset.

And to add insult to injury I had forgotten to update the DNS of my email account in my new VPS. Luckily the old VPS was still online.

Did like 4 password reset requests. Theres 30 minutes of my life i'm never getting back :(


Top Contributor
No apology necessary. it is good to see a pro-active approach to security.

It also clued me in on why I wasn't getting much email, or spam for that matter haha

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