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Opinion on possible trademark infringement

Jay Ha

New Member
Absolutely hate that my first thread on DNTrade is related to trademark infringement but I need you guidance since I'm new to this business.
Around 1 week ago, I came up with an idea to develop a website for "lay by" comparison where I list all stores that offer this service and compare their terms for users to check and make up their minds on which store to use this service from. Meanwhile, I have it listed in domain marketplaces in case I don't manage to execute my idea I'd still be able to profit from this domain since 'lay by" is a common retail practice.

The domain is: L A Y . B Y (Belarus cctld)

After checking the wipo database today, I found several trademarks with the term mentioned and now I'm worried if it might put me in risk of getting "that" phone call from said holders' lawyers.

Am I on the safe side or not? Appreciate your insights on this one.


Top Contributor
A late reply, but it may help someone else in a similar position.

Here's an example of someone that registered a trademark, hardly did anything with it, then forced a popular company to change their name.

Trademark owners legally have to enforce their trademarks in order to keep them.

"You need to ensure your trade mark continues to be regarded as a trade mark. If your trade mark becomes known as the generic name for your goods or services a third party could have it cancelled through the courts."

Source: https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/trade-marks/managing-your-trade-mark/maintaining-your-trade-mark


Top Contributor
Doubt there is any real risk. Having said that the domain isn’t great, I suspect it is an Australian term and the spelling seems wrong.

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