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Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!


With the year well and truly winding down, we’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year. Or alternatively, Happy Holidays.

Any forum is nothing without active members, so for those of you that have participated in our forums, we sincerely thank you for your ongoing support.
DN Trade has grown a lot this year, and our traffic stats bear this out.

For those members that are “lurkers” and never post, we hope that you may join us for an occasional discussion next year. We’d love to welcome you. :)

We have some great plans for DNT next year, with lots of new additional features geared at assisting both domain owners and ancillary service providers.

Finally, a big thank you to our major supporters and sponsors – past and present:

DomainSponsor.com, VentraIP, Crazy Domains, Drop.com.au, Netfleet, The Commission Factory, Cooper Mills Lawyers, Logo Nerds, FinancialContent.com.au,
Whois.com.au, Joe’s Domains and MelbourneIT.

Without the likes of these organisations or businesses (and the people behind them), it would make running a forum very difficult. We respectfully ask you
to support them in return as and when you have the opportunity.

Thanks again.

Best wishes,

Ned & Richard


Just as a follow up to this message ........

For the first time, I also attempted to send out a bulk email via the vBulletin system.

For those of you that got more than one message, I sincerely apologise. That was my fault because I ticked all the membership boxes. Some members belong to a couple of different usergroups like "verified members"; "regular users"; verified users" etc.

I'll know better next time. :eek:

I hope everyone had a great day yesterday.

Wish I was at the MCG today.

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