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Just saying HI


Top Contributor

Just wanted to say HI and introduce myself.

Ive been in domains for 7 or so years, mostly focused on .com domains, but recently have been focusing on acquiring more .com.au domains.

Went to the original and first domainers' conference, in LA all those years ago. Also was at TRAFFIC down under.

On the forums (like this) I generally go by the name Oz.

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Top Contributor
Hey Oz, do you really own MagazineSubscriptions.com? That's an awesome domain, you must be a very rich man!


Top Contributor
Hi Jonathan. Yeah I own MagazineSubscriptions.com (purchased it from a mate for a bargain - easily made 100% ROI in the first year) and after redirecting it to an affiliate site for a year or so, developed it, and now I'm out ranking in the search engines the site I was promoting. :) But always room to improve.

Funny story, since I owned the .com domain I wanted to see if I could also get my hands on the .au, but it was taken (and doing nothing).
So instead I registered the singular, MagazineSubscription.com.au, I kept checking the whois on MagazineSubscriptions.com.au every few monthly, then all of a sudden some time later, the whois showed the lovely message "No Data Found". I was at work at the time (when I was doing the day job), so when I got home I went ahead and registered it. No idea how many weeks, or months it was sitting there available after being deleted.

Oh the good old days :)
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Top Contributor
Incredible! Yeah, I noticed you were ranked #2 for 'Magazine Subscriptions' on Google USA. You must be pulling in a few hundred thousand hits a month!

Do you have any plans to develop the Australian site?


Top Contributor
Yeah, currently working on getting the #1 position. :)

I want to develop the Australian site. But need to find an Aussie subscription agent, who deals with all the publishers. If such things exist in Australia.


Top Contributor
Nope, not yet. Will have a look.
Prefer to deal with an agent, and be in control of my own site, and "own" my own customers.


Top Contributor
Fair enough - might be worth starting with iSubscribe and then doing your own thing once you're established? I think once you get it ranking you'll have way more leverage.


Top Contributor
May just start with an affiliate link or redirect to isubscribe.

Got a few development projects on at the moment.

I also want to develop Discounted.com at some point.

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