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is that cybersquatting?


Hello everyone.

I just saw a business that does only have the main domain name. It is like www.melbourneparliamenthouse.com. But I can see that the other domain names can still be available to buy them. so maybe www.melbourneparliamenthouse.com.au is ok to buy it.

So what if the people already have the Melbourne Parliment House? Then why does he only register www.melbourneparliamenthouse.com?

That means I can go and get www.melbourneparliamenthouse.com.au and then build a site on it and also talk about this things like the Melbourne and the Parliment the city tourist and make some money for my self on the travel website kind of.

Or maybe there is the www.timapplefarm.com for some person in australia. Then I want www.timapplefarm.com.au, and I will make a site about Tim and his apple farm.

Or maybe sell it back to Tim?

Is that ok, or is that cybersquatting?

If it is not ok, then why is these domain names all going to waste all the time?


Top Contributor
tim can't grow weeds :D


www.melbourneparliamenthouse.com.au (mph ) is totally different to timsapples (tim),

if you use the .com.au for a different purpose you should be fine, but there really is no other purpose for tim so i don't know about it being squatting maybe just bad manners.

but then you see byron-bay.com, byron-bay.com.au, byronbay.com, byronbay.com.au which have a few different owners all doing accommodation bookings and to my knowledge there has been no legal action.

also byronbay is in asic with 3 different versions of companies.

i'd personally stay away from timsapples



Top Contributor
Short of it, .com are cheaper, easier to buy and don't require some sort of ID. .com.au could potentally have issues with that domain .com wouldn;t



Top Contributor
Short of it, .com are cheaper, easier to buy and don't require some sort of ID. .com.au could potentally have issues with that domain .com wouldn;t


i agree, but i'm finding this a biug issue when advising clients that have been "sold down the .com." path 5 years ago, they are now waking up and going HEY WTF, I actually rang a competitor of mine and told them they better register their .com.au or I will, ( as it was a generic )

my reason? because i prefer them to have it then someone else.

if you have to think about it........... then don't register it.



thank you for you help.

It is still a bit strange. Maybe if the sydneyoperahouse.com was taken but the sydneyoperahouse.com.au was not taken. Then can I start a blog aobut Sydney Opera House? I will still put links on my site to the sydneyoperahouse.com because I am blogging about it.

or what if federationsquare.com was gone but i got federationsquare.com.au

but then if it was yarrariver.com then yarrariver.com.au would be ok, because it is generic?

May if this was true I should be interested in this kind of thing?

Thank you.


Top Contributor
yarra you could get away with, fed sq would be trademarked and opera house they would just kill you for fun.


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