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Hi from Sydney.

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here, and an absolute beginner in Domains.
I have a new found interest in Domains since purchasing my first two ever .coms recently!
I look forward to learning so much more from what looks like a great forum!


Welcome to the forum Googlicious. I hope we can catch up and discuss your new domain acquisitions.

Thankyou for your warm welcomes!
Being an absolute beginner that I am in domaining, my two recent purchases have been the .coms for my two children.
I plan to keep them for the kids so they can have "their" domains secured for their use in the future.
They are currently parked, although they did come with a one months free hosting trial, which I am yet to sample. I am interested in knowing more about parking and profiting from ads.
Please accept my apologies, if the following questions sound so terribly inexperienced.....
In regards to names..I can't stop thinking up various names and I keep finding interesting ones available both in .com and .au. I have started looking into Google adwords etc..Who said all the good catchy domains are taken?
What is the correct legal requirement for purchasing au domain names with the intent of "possibly" developing them.
For those who have purchased many au domains, how do you go about the legalities? Do you simply register an ABN in your own name or your company name and purchase several good names from a reputable supplier? I guess anyone can get an ABN? I was under the impression if you don't turn over a certain amount/year you don't require an ABN..but to get a au domain you do need one...ahh I am getting confused!
What companies are good/reliable for parking/hosting/raising profits?
Is there a Dummies guide to Domaining? That is definitely what I need!
Thank you in advance for your patience.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT Googlicious!

Where abouts are you based?

Thankyou for your warm welcomes!
Being an absolute beginner that I am in domaining, my two recent purchases have been the .coms for my two children.
I plan to keep them for the kids so they can have "their" domains secured for their use in the future.
They are currently parked, although they did come with a one months free hosting trial, which I am yet to sample. I am interested in knowing more about parking and profiting from ads.
Please accept my apologies, if the following questions sound so terribly inexperienced.....
In regards to names..I can't stop thinking up various names and I keep finding interesting ones available both in .com and .au. I have started looking into Google adwords etc..Who said all the good catchy domains are taken?
What is the correct legal requirement for purchasing au domain names with the intent of "possibly" developing them.
For those who have purchased many au domains, how do you go about the legalities? Do you simply register an ABN in your own name or your company name and purchase several good names from a reputable supplier? I guess anyone can get an ABN? I was under the impression if you don't turn over a certain amount/year you don't require an ABN..but to get a au domain you do need one...ahh I am getting confused!
What companies are good/reliable for parking/hosting/raising profits?
Is there a Dummies guide to Domaining? That is definitely what I need!
Thank you in advance for your patience.

Feel free to fire away any questions that you have - but best to start a seperate thread for each query you have... ;)


Top Contributor
Hi there Googlicious,

Welcome to DNT. It's wonderful to see your enthusiasm and excitement for domaining. We were all beginners once, and many of us have learnt by trial and error. ;)

There is a newbies section - I would suggest if you have a series of questions, that's a good place to put them.

We look forward to your contributions.

Cheers, Ned (Admin)

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