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Hey I just wanted to make an introduction thread, say Hello to everyone, looks like a little active forum, hopefully meet some cool domainers and get to get some great .com.au and net.au domains.

A little about me - I'm a project manager/director of a group of companies that do property development in Brisbane, I was born in Melbourne but moved to Brisbane when I was in year 3, so it's been awhile :) I've been looking and involved in the domain industry for a couple of years, never really touch many .com.au.. Mainly I didn't see the value in them, being SO limited to Australia and the lack of population that are in domaining and such, however it looks like it's starting to change; although it will be interesting when ICANN releases top level domains out and how it will affect the .com.au registry.

I've got to learn the actual .au registry rules and regulations in regards to domains - I read somewhere that you can't actually buy domains to resell.. well in under the .au registry anyways, Is that true?

Anyways thanks for stopping taking the time to read this, hopefully get around to meeting some of the locals around the forums, I'm a bit of a regular on namepros.com as well if any of you use that for your other domains (same username).

Cheers :D


Top Contributor
Welcome Nathan :)

I've got to learn the actual .au registry rules and regulations in regards to domains - I read somewhere that you can't actually buy domains to resell.. well in under the .au registry anyways, Is that true?

Yes, technically that's correct.


Top Contributor
The key is in the interpretation of the rule:

A registrant may not register a domain name for the sole purpose of resale or transfer to another entity

For example, "domain monetization" is a legitimate reason to register a domain (although there is a seperate policy governing that). Who is to say after 6 months you may change your mind and decide to sell the domain.

It's worth noting auDA deals with issues on a complaints basis. If you steer clear of TM's, mis-spellings etc and don't list the domain for sale within the first 6 months you'll be fine 9/10 times.

Hope that clears it up a bit. Feel free to start new threads with any questions you have, many policy savvy members around..


Top Contributor
Hi Nathan,

Welcome to the forum. FPR has summarised it well - as long as you don't take the p**s, register a domain and then plaster 'For Sale' signs all over it you should be right.

Personally I would never (and have never) registered a domain for the *sole* purpose of resale anyway. There's always been an intention to check out parking revenue and/or save for a rainy day's development etc

Oh and don't let the
the lack of population that are in domaining
in Australia put you off. Less competition IMO :) (unless you plan to make a living flipping domains to other domainers which I would say is impossible in any extension these days)


Regular Member
Thanks for all the warm welcomes :)

Thanks for the advise as well much apprenticed

@CooperMills I'll hire you guys if I'm buying a domain over $xx,xxx just to make sure I don't get caught up legally also "liked" you on facebook yesterday :)

Thanks again everyone


Top Contributor
Hi Nathan - I'm quite new here and I have to say these guys are a very approachable group of people, with a good understanding of the .com.au space, and happy enough to share in an plain english manner, their knowledge, and when you're new to this as I am in getting into the finer details of domains (apart from general customer domain management) it's really good to be part of this site.


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