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Help recovering domain


I have a new customer that lost control of their domain names. Their former designer let them expire. Someone else registered/picked up the drop and cloned their old site with SEO spam links added.
It is a .org.au domain name which I thought had fairly strict rules. The abn does match a similar name although I suspect it is bogus. Not really the registrant, they just picked an ABN that would meet the criteria.
They also lost the .org version of the domain but I have no idea if that could be recovered.
Any tips on what to say to AUDA to recover it or is it just a lost cause?


There you go knock yourself out. Just say they're using an org.au and aren't an organisation.
If the abn used for the registration isn't for an org then they are stuffed.

Tell us the domain anyway.
Thanks they did submit a complaint already but they came back with this link and requested an explain the grounds of the breach.

The domain is: http://saltaustralia.org.au/
There is still some of my customers branding and text on there. I can't see mention of .org.au on the link AUDA provided. Search only comes up with the twitter feed.

The clones site is here: http://www.saltaustralia.org/about-us.html
They have removed the index page now but it is all there behind that still.

We advise this matter cannot be accepted for complaint investigation because you have not explained how the registrant has breached auDA policy.


Top Contributor
nicely done, lucky it was a .org.au, did you say they had the .org as well? i'd say that one is a waste of time trying.


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