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Hello from the UK


New Member
Hello all. Great to be here and hope you are all doing well.
Aussie living in the UK for family reasons. I hope you are enjoying the weather and the beer for me? :)

Operating Australian company online. Also own a UK company but not much happening just yet with that one.

History: Buying domains for 8 years and developing them into websites. Have just started to sell .com.au domains. About 150 domains in portfolio in a wide range of categories. Looking to move a few of these quickly due to cashflow requirements.

Experienced with Joomla! and associated components and have been earning an income online since 2004 through web development, affiliate marketing, selling advertising space and a few other avenues.

Hoping to get a bit more information on appraising domains and the best places to list them for sale/auction.

Enough about me. What about you?


Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Hello and welcome to DNTrade Mike. :)

Just a quick Q. How do you hold .com.au domains when you're not living in Australia?


Top Contributor
Aussie living in the UK

he only needs an abn, when i was over there i was paying superannuation in australia, the tax offfice don't care as long as you are paying them somehow.


Blue Wren

Top Contributor
he only needs an abn, when i was over there i was paying superannuation in australia, the tax offfice don't care as long as you are paying them somehow.


Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm clearly missing something. To hold an ABN don't you need a registered business name and that requires a physical Australian address?

I'm sure there are ways around my limited thoughts on this subject; hence why I'm asking and interested.


Top Contributor
... his mum ! his accountant ?


once apon a time before asic took over business registrations you could have "fantasticdentist" registered in every state.

then you had to actually have and address in that state, then some states change to "bugger it we don't care" , then asic took over.

so "tims story" had a qld rego'd business and then moved to melbourne, the legals at the time in vic said i had to register in my business name in vic, qld at the time said i had to be in qld, so i just used my mums address in qld.

2 years later i thought i'd do the right thing and reg in vic, and i couldn't because someone had a close name, i had let the qld expire because i was planning on vic rego and when i went o renew in qld they knocked me back !!! as someone had a close name to mine, i then had to TALK to someone and explain, so 3 months later i succeeded in renewing i qld ( and you think this bit is a long story !!! )

so all UK has to do is use his mums address and nobody really cares.

as long as you pay your tax correctly (strategically :cool: ) then nobody is going to bother you.


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