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Regular Member
A quick hello from Melbourne, i've only really been serious in this field in the last 12-18 months and mostly focus on SEO. I have a number of friends involved heavily in domains and finally decided to take the plunge.

I have bought a number of expired domains but had some reasonable success with fresh/greenfields projects. I've bought and registered some fairly useless domains as part of the learning curve but found some gems in the rough.

I work to build out all my domains as fast as I can and I haven't found much value in parking them.

This year we go serious about growing the local search community via our SEO Meetups group and welcome domainers, web devs and consultants. It happens first thursday of the month so come along and say hello.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT David.

I'm sure you know a few people on here already. Did you ever go to any of the domainers meetups in Melbourne?

Looking forward to your contributions. :)


Top Contributor
Hi David,
Connections8 from SEOmoz =)

We have met a few times =) when will you be at the next meet up in Sydney...



Top Contributor
Hi David,

Signing up to the meetup group now & hope to make the next Sydney one!

Welcome to the forum



Regular Member
thanks all for the welcome, i did managed to get along to the last Melbourne domain meetup that was sponsored by CooperMills meet some faces from some of the online battles on Drop/Netfleet to secure an interesting name or two.

@James yes i will try and get to a meetup in sydney sometime soon but we have plans to do something semi-organised very soon for you all

@David thanks for joining and showing support :)


Top Contributor
Welcome, and good to have another Melburnian onboard. If we took a pole of locations of dntrade members I think Melbourne would be a clear winner.

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