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Forum Decorum!


I'd like to think that the admin and mods at DNT are fairly easy going. We certainly believe in free speech, and good debate. But we won't have the piss taken out of us; nor will we be mocked.

You may have noticed that Corey was banned again yesterday. She was banned previously (for upsetting the harmony of DNT and defying a moderator), but we gave her a second chance after 30 days time out.

A few people have asked the reasons for her latest ban, but I won't go into them here. However, it had nothing to do with her posts. ;)

Suffice to say she did something yesterday which was totally unacceptable to us - hence the additional ban which is for 6 months.

This morning I received an email from her which related to a trade on the marketplace. (I will address that separately elsewhere). I was gobsmacked by it - then I laughed my head off. I thought I would reproduce it here to help fellow members understand what we have had to deal with.

(I have edited some names to protect the innocent!)


What an unfortunate situation for both of us. The owner of --.net.au is refusing to refund the $21.00. I am unable to communicate with the seller via DNTrade.com.au due to the 6 months ban. The last email from ---------- at 8.05am today is as follows:

" ------------------ etc"

As the publisher of DNTrade.com.au, you owe a Duty of Care, you leave me no other option but to lodge complaints against DN Trade.com.au; Registrant D. SYNd. PTY. LTD and Registrant xxxxxxxxxxxxxx of --.net.au with the

• Australian Competition & Consumer Commission at http://www.accc.gov.au
• Australian Communications and Media Authority at http://www.acma.gov.au/
• Au DA for breach of Current auDA Published Policies at http://www.auda.org.au/policy/current-policies/
• PayPal Australia at http://www.paypal.com

Unless this situation is resolved by midday today 30/11/2011 I will proceed with the complaints.


This is my response to her:


I don’t react well to threats – particularly when they have nothing to do with me or DNT.

As Djuqa will tell you, I have gone beyond the “call of duty” and emailed the seller of the domain name. I didn’t have to. Obviously my email worked, because he contacted you. I can do no more than that.

As for the fact that you can’t contact him because you can’t communicate through DNT – what a load of codswallop. You have just emailed me with a copy of his email to you. I think that is communicating in anyone’s book.

Finally, read this: http://www.dntrade.com.au/announcement.php?f=5 In particular, read points number 2 and 4. Your threats to me are vacuous and insulting. Particularly over $21. You paid by PayPal – lodge a dispute if you have to.

I intend posting your email to DNT. This will explain a lot to fellow members.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Reading this post has cost at least $21 worth of my time (pro rata'd @ $1260/hr). Neddy, I expect you to personally compensate me for this or I will be lodging a complaint with all the relevant (and irrelevant) authorities I can think of :D


I'd like to think that it is entertainment - and therefore you should pay me. :)

I do accept PayPal.


Top Contributor
What a joke! She's a classic example of someone who will never succeed in this industry. Not just because of this, but because of virtually every post she made on DNT.

Bye bye Corey! :D


Top Contributor
Might be out of frustration at not finding a promo code for the $5 cost to join NF. I really did LOL @ that one.


Top Contributor
OhSnap.com.au appraises $1,300
Term frequency: 912,000
Search popularity: 22,625
Alexa traffic rank: 0
Keyword: oh snap!
Ad competition: low
Avg CPC: $0.98
Amazing - and yes very entertaining! I see these every day. BUT my favourites are 'hand over a domain worth $20K for $100 otherwise I will lodge complaints with auDA and the Queen etc......'


Top Contributor
Yes I wasn't going to comment but the guy who offered the name for sale and which I was outbid for by Corey just sent me a PM
I had to email him direct to his Hotmail.com email because He doesn't accept dnTRADE PM's
PM said:
Hi Djuqa,

I found out that The winner of this domain got banned from dntrade community, so the transaction did not get through. Here is the chance for you to secure this domain at your bid $20.00. You might have been missing out the bid. Anyway, please let me know what you want to do, looking forward to hear from you soon.
Contact me directly if you wish
Nice and friendly
So I sent him an email offering to buy the name on 2 conditions
he refund her money and he transfers name to ventraip (which I offered to pay the renewal cost incurred because name has less than 3 months regn.)

email said:

I am not sure what you meant?

Nice friendly still, but puzzled.
So I sent him a copy of the email he sent Corey and why she got upset.
Corey's email from him said:
listen mate,

you can just forget about the $21. I don't refund and keep my domain for the next 2 year. KAKAKKKAKAAAAA ((-;

I dont want to deal with mucking around, time waster and rude attitude people such as yourself.

Don't ever join to any forum and spill the spirit of the community, you are not welcomed at all mate. You will be banned sooner or later.
Less than friendly and reason COREY got upset.

His reply said:
kakakkkakkakaa Angry smile

It's u again. I wasted my time again on u.

Just get your f***ing ass off the dntrade community. I am going to inform admin so this account MUST be removed too.
Not so friendly , now hopefully you can all at least get some idea of WHY Corey got upset.

SAD thing is I and Corey are both still interested in the name, but his behaviour prevents that.

Neddy (admin ) opened the floodgates by posting private emails
This post maybe will be removed, I maybe will be banned .
But this post will live elsewhere.
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Yes I wasn't going to comment but the guy who offered the name for sale and which I was outbid for by Corey just sent me a PM
I had to email him direct to his Hotmail.com email because He doesn't accept dnTRADE PM's


Neddy (admin ) opened the floodgates by posting private emails
This post maybe will be removed, I maybe will be banned .
But this post will live elsewhere.

  • You are forever making public and private representations on behalf of Corey. I think most members know of your allegiance to her. So this post of yours is par for the course - as no doubt you two have been discussing strategy together. ;)

  • The member concerned does accept PM's and emails. I just checked his settings. Anyway, both you an Corey have his email address, and he seems to be responding - albeit in a strange and aggressive manner. (No one has seen Corey's initial email to him, so maybe his response was predicated on that?).

  • DNT does not get involved in disputes between members - unless it upsets the harmony of the board. You asked me to contact the member originally - and I did. I asked him to sort it out with Corey.

  • DNT does not condone members not settling transactions with each other - even if one member has been banned. Reputation and trust are important - and a deal is a deal. Other members now know that the other member involved is "domainguy". Let's hope he sorts it out quickly with either or both of you. If he doesn't, please let me know by PM.

  • What got me upset - and the reason I published Corey's email, was that she threatened to complain about DNT and it's owners to every authority under the sun unless we sorted out her $21 purchase (with a 3rd party) by lunchtime on that same day! What utter bullshit was that? I did suggest to you that an apology from Corey might be in order - but I'm still waiting. :rolleyes:

  • Members should be aware that Corey was not banned for this. She had been banned the previous afternoon for something else (as Djuqa well knows).

  • Djuqa, as much as some members may want to see you gone, we're not going to ban you. Not for this anyway. ;) In the 8 months we have been in the chair, we have only banned one person - and that was Corey (twice). One other member was banned for a couple of hours recently, but I rescinded that.


Top Contributor
The member concerned does accept PM's and emails.
He didn't accept PM's this afternoon , when I recieved his initial PM, that is why he listed his email Address in his PM so I could respond to him.
he seems to turn PM access on and off regularly.

As for the other stuff, I know Corey was not banned for this matter. It is why I got involved because at the time of the ban, Corey was trying to sort out this crap and he wouldn't answer emails and she could not contact via PM's.
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Top Contributor
Kakakakaka Has refunded Corey's $21

Just been advised by C.G. that DG has finally and at PP's insistence, her 21$


Just been advised by C.G. that DG has finally and at PP's insistence, her 21$

Phew! I guess that means I'm off the hook. :p

As the publisher of DNTrade.com.au, you owe a Duty of Care, you leave me no other option but to lodge complaints against DN Trade.com.au; Registrant D. SYNd. PTY. LTD and Registrant xxxxxxxxxxxxxx of --.net.au with the

• Australian Competition & Consumer Commission at http://www.accc.gov.au
• Australian Communications and Media Authority at http://www.acma.gov.au/
• Au DA for breach of Current auDA Published Policies at http://www.auda.org.au/policy/current-policies/
• PayPal Australia at http://www.paypal.com

Unless this situation is resolved by midday today 30/11/2011 I will proceed with the complaints.

On a serious note, I'm glad she got her money back.

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