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Flippa Buyers and Sellers in Melbourne


Top Contributor
If anyone is interested in learning more about Flippa this should be a good night.

Flippa Buyers and Sellers in Melbourne (Melbourne) - Meetup

I saw a preview of Andrew's talk last week and it was very interesting. He covered the types of sites and sectors that do well and lots of other useful data. I'll add this and the other events to the calendar later tonight.



Regular Member
Thanks for coming by, Chris! Was anyone else from DNTrade there last night?

We were very happy with the turnout, and will most likely hold another meetup in coming months!


Top Contributor
Hello OLechat... :)

Thanks for having us at your pad last night. It was awesome! I loved seeing that presentation again that Andrew put on. So that was the second viewing for me, and he assures me the slides will get published soon. I just really like the data that was gathered and Andrew's spin on its meaning.

Oh and thanks for the beer too ;)


Regular Member
Yeah me too. ((-;
What an awesome nite. Did gain some insights about buying and selling sites although the session was not long. Enjoy the chat with new faces, met a few guru/experts in various fields that really made my eyes wide-open. This is a must for those who are serious in making full time income from just buying/selling websites. Looking forward to the next meetup. Be there!


Top Contributor
Any presentations from this night, I would be interested in this type of thing in Sydney

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