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Faceless Net Giants


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There's an article in the Fairfax press today about Aussie publishers being kicked out of the Adsense program with limited ability to appeal.

The article also talks about a few of the other big players like Facebook and how it's so difficult to deal with someone there who can actually help you.

Faceless net giants writing own rule books

I've never had any dramas with Google, but I did recently have the displeasure of dealing with PayPal.

They must have done some sort of audit, and they decided (probably based on my company name or the domain name within my email) that I must be using my account to accept payments for financial advice.

I tried calling them which was pretty useless, and although they were very friendly to speak with, they couldn't help and just kept telling me to email their compliance department. The compliance department was crap and took at least three days to respond to each email.

After three long weeks they finally understood my business and removed the restriction, but it was a bloody painful period and I had to provide loads of documentation.

I can definitely relate to the article and how painful it can be dealing with these big websites that insist on online communication only!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Try asking google for the details of your old 'forgotten about adsense account' so you can delete it and not have your promotions revert back to something you can no longer control ?

What a nightmare , the free code i used went back to an old account and ended up charging my credit card

When explained to google over a number of phonecalls they still refused to give me my old account details so i could delete .......gave up on them in the end

Just not worth the stress


Top Contributor
I must be lucky as I have Google Australia contacting me for ways to maximise my adsense, but have read some terrible stories of accounts being closed and the trouble trying to get the account re-instated.



Top Contributor
The thing is if you make $100 a month (or $100 over 6 months) on Adsense it is really nothing in the scheme of things. You need to be a premium Adsense publisher to get any contact or assistance.

Over the years I have made a bit of money via the program at one stage I was making a fair bit each month via the program, the thing is if something goes wrong with my account I am usually notified to fix the problem ASAP (72 hours), which I do.

Some times you see people try and take down your account by copying your ads to adult pages, click bombing your website it is crazy what has happened to my accounts over the years, I have almost been banned a few times.

In the end of the day you need to not rely on Google soo much for revenue, I learned that 5 years ago haha, you need to diversify your earnings.

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