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Extending .nz domain space


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DNCL proposes extending .nz domain name space

The DNCL is proposing to extend registrations directly to the second-level. A direct second-level registration would read trademe.nz. This approach is used with all generic top-level domains (such as .com) and in an increasing number of other countries including Canada.

Domain Name Commission Chair Joy Liddicoat says if the proposal is accepted it would significantly alter the make-up of New Zealand’s country code. It would provide a simpler and alternative way for Internet users to represent themselves online, without being limited by the existing set of second level domains.

What do people think?


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I wonder if they would grant priority to existing registrants?

Found this:

  • Registrations at the second level will be on a “first come, first served” basis, except during the Sunrise Period and where there are currently multiple registrations of the same name in different second level domains.
  • The Sunrise Period will be a designated window, where existing .nz domain name holders (registrants) can register their domain name/s at the second level if they are the only one that has that name at the third level.
  • If two or more domain name holders have the same name at the third level, no-one will be able to register that name at the second level unless they obtain the consent of the other third level name holders. Alternatively, if all agree, it could become a second level domain instead.

What I'd like to know is what happens when New Zealand becomes a part of Australia? :D .anz?
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Top Contributor
Makes for an argument to secure the net/au of your much loved com/au's for when this happens here.


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Makes for an argument to secure the net/au of your much loved com/au's for when this happens here.

I was thinking just the same thing. Going out and getting the consent of the net.au owner would be a right pain.


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SO, am i getting this right?

newzealand plan to bring in JUST .nz , thus we all have to go and cover our arses if we own a .co.nz BUT if someone owns the .net.nz then there could be an issue or at least a "first to the post race" ?

SO THEN, some bright spark in oz gets the idea and we end up with a .au which means firstly i better go get the .net.au for my "loved" domains as suggested in case this happens which just means more $$$$ so that WHEN/IF it happens here i can then go and spend more $$$$ on getting the .au !!!

SO, does this mean the value of a .net.au just went up?

My opinion is adding in things like .xxx , .iinet etc so be it but when you actually screw around with millions of peoples domains its going to get nasty.

.co was bad enough why move to .nz or .au ?

its like showing up late to a football game and changing the rules or have i just totally missed the plot here?



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your explaination is valid but it doesn't correct the fact that its potentially an extra charge to bear, as i am SURE nowbody is going to let go of the .com.au to move to the .au

the compounding effects of this worldwide seem to be a money grab and we are all the suckers hanging onto the coat tails.

now if you own 200-1000 domains then thats a huge cost

i know this isn't going to happen but i think if you own the .com.au then you should be GIVEN the .au , sounds silly but as i said earlier, " don't come into the game and change the rules"



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By that logic that is akin to saying if you own the .com.au then you should be given the .com
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By that logic that is akin to saying if you own the .com.au then you should be given the .com

no its not !!! , i'm talking about a localised shift that has been SET for manyyyy years, your logic suggests i should be given the .eu ?

if .co.nz moves to .nz then my idea holds ground.

don't go and say to australia "this is the standard...." and then sell a few million and then say "oohhhh we've changed our minds and we are going to charge you for it....."

its more like saying every car in australia has to get an extra digit in the licence plate and its an extra $50 ( whihc might well happen !!! )



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AND, i haven't even got started on the effects of google results for this debacle should it happen



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Who cares about google? Nor should Google be considered in issues of this sort.

newTLDs will be created, whether they like it or not. If their systems and bots and algorithm cannot handle it, so be it.

They are building their own walled garden anyway with G+ so like I said, who cares.
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Top Contributor
don't go and say to australia "this is the standard...." and then sell a few million and then say "oohhhh we've changed our minds and we are going to charge you for it....."

its more like saying every car in australia has to get an extra digit in the licence plate and its an extra $50 ( whihc might well happen !!! )


Hold on: The thing is, nobody ever said that .com.au was the standard - they just provided two options - .com.au and .net.au

They're called auDA not .com.auDA or .net.auDA

Also were it to be done in .au I don't see it so much as them changing their minds, more like fixing a (preexisting?) mistake.

As for .nz, I expect an uptake in the registrations for .net.nz domains... and .geek.nz and whatnot
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Top Contributor
Hold on: The thing is, nobody ever said that .com.au was the standard - they just provided two options - .com.au and .net.au

They're called auDA not .com.auDA or .net.auDA

Also were it to be done in .au I don't see it so much as them changing their minds, more like fixing a (preexisting?) mistake.

As for .nz, I expect an uptake in the registrations for .net.nz domains...

well on that logic lets go change the worlds power point sockets to one format !!!

now thats a pre existing mistake , as is the driving on the left side of the road, the railway lines gauge, the lightbulb sockets, and lets just go down the path of having a universal language... i suggest "klingon"

did we have to pay when they changed the phone numbers way back in 1998? http://users.tpg.com.au/users/mpaine/austfone.html

well we actually did via business cards etc but we did not have to FIGHT for our new number it was just given to us.

could you imagine if a business had to fight for their phone number? because of a "preexisting mistake" it would be WAR.

Rhythm i can't really understand your side on this issue and why you are validating it !


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