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Domainer XMAS Drinks


Top Contributor
Excellent to meet you guys in person!

Had some really interesting discussions, less about domaining and more about building sites and businesses.

FindTim in particular offered several gems of wisdom, in regards to a business I'm considering launching next year, which made total sense, and I would never have thought of myself.

Felt good to be in a room of like minded people, when pretty much everyone else I know in my social and business circles just don't understand why people like us sometimes pay so much for a single domain (one mate in particular once thought he "got it" and said... so buying domains is kind of like buying expensive custom license plates for cars? LOL!)

Anyway, wish I could remember everyone's names and forum handles that I spoke to, you're all legends in one way or another, keep making stuff happen, there is room for all of us on the world wild web.

Cheers beers,


P.S. Massive thanks to the organisers and sponsors, Chris from DNTrade, Erhan from Cooper Mills Lawyers, the dudes from Domain Shield (looking forward to seeing your new tools launched!) and Attractive.com.au (didn't happen speak with you/them but thanks for sponsoring, on behalf of all of us who attended)


Top Contributor
FindTim always has good advice when you meet him at events,real world online/offline business also good sales tips hehe


Top Contributor
thanks to everyone for coming, thanks to the sponsors it a great night, sorry joe couldn't make it.

I tried to work the room sorry if I missed anyone ( or maybe they were dodging me ):)

I did end up at the casino to lose my normal $20, whilst I was loosing my $20 the gut next to me lost @$4000 :eek:

no I wasn't naked but ended up talking to 2 guys that just got out of prison, one was 26yrs in and another 15yrs in , that was an interesting conversation.



Top Contributor
A BIG thanks to Cal and Chris, and all the sponsors (Attractive - wish you could have made it, Cooper Mills, Domain Shield, anyone else?) for putting on a great evening.

Was a great night, great catch up, and some great nuts! (Cal knows what I'm talking about).
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Top Contributor
Was great to meet everyone and put faces to the names! Thanks to Attractive, Cooper Mills and Domain Shield for helping us out with the event. Look forward to seeing everyone again next time :)


Top Contributor
yes it was a good event, meet some great people and I think more DNT members should go to these events to show auda that we ARE part of the industry and we need to be respected as being part of the industry.

We all play a major role in the .au space, but it seems we are the "poor cousins" so I encourage you all to join so you can vote so you can truly have a say in what the future holds.

I was slack and it took me a long time to "get it" but after last night I REALLY do get it.

I spoke to some key players last night that told me many things that have always suspected and basically DNT needs to have voting members on board now so before the next elections we can have an open debate and get the right people into auda that will protect our interests.

if you don't join then don't cry poor when a rule changes.



Regular Member
Nailed it Tim.

We can't whinge from the sidelines.

There are now 2 DNT members on the board.

The real influence comes from the Panels process - that is where all of the policy changes come from.

As an example, the upcoming fixes to Whois - came out of the last names panel that Ned, myself and Erhan were on.

Sorry I didn't see you at drinks - had to leave early for family time!!

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