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DomainCentral - Avoid them at all costs!


Top Contributor
I never do this, but I can't remember the last time a company has treated me with such utter contempt.

I recently purchased a domain from someone on Netfleet. This person had them hosted with DomainCentral. We filled out the usual transfer forms, and I sent them off to DC. No response. Multiple emails and phonecalls later (their 'support' line just goes straight to an automated 'on hold' voice) and they have *still* not gotten back to me.

I am giving up, and moving my domains to a different registrar. They don't deserve my business.

Can anyone recommend a good registrar with cheap transfer fees?


I have had just as many problems with them. IF you want to hear from them in record time, just make a formal complaint to the auDa and they will get in contact with them, telling them to ring you. That got me sorted out after all my other attempts at contact werent working.


Top Contributor
Soj, glad it wasn't just me. I am still going to move my domains, but I did end up making a complaint to the auda in the hope that they are induced to clean up their act a little bit.

They're an absolute joke.


Top Contributor
Is the transfer fee still $162.95?

We (DDNS) do them for $120 (and we answer the phone). If your going to be doing alot of transfers we might also be able to work out a better price.


Top Contributor
Hi DMP, I already started the transfer process with Planet Domain. If they prove to be as incapable as DomainCentral, I will definitely give you guys a try.

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