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Domain Hoarders

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Recently at an auDA CMWG function, an anonymous person passed comments to the group about domain hoarders or hoarding. They could even have been a member of the CMWG.

They implied that hoarders were bad or that hoarding was something to be frowned upon.

I thought it would be interesting to discuss this accusation and to refute it with a bit of to and fro.

To start things off I'd suggest that most domainers hold keyword domains that are not the exclusive "domain" of any related party so are fair game to be registered.

What do you think?


Top Contributor
Its a fickle argument; Domains have a type of "liquidity" that than other "types" of registration addressing do not have, albeit, it has not stopped the hording of those other instruments.

I own a few number plates;


I see 1300 numbers are captured by only a few BIG names;

These guys own over 10,000 1300 numbers


People Hoard and sell Mobile numbers on eBay and Gumtree.

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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I prefer to be called a Cyber Squatter ....... that way I feel like the nasty judge on X Factor
(Disclaimer :: I don't have any trademarked names)


Top Contributor
That reminds me, i want buy bitcoins at 7 cents each, i know i just realised aftet all these years that they now have value but those bloody bitcoin horders should be stopped !!!!!!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
That reminds me, i want buy bitcoins at 7 cents each, i know i just realised aftet all these years that they now have value but those bloody bitcoin horders should be stopped !!!!!!
Speculators sounds much more refined, don't you think?


Top Contributor
I'm actually surprised at the disdain for domain investors with large portfolios. I've had many clients that buy domains for specific projects. They expect to pay a premium at either auctions or directly from current owners to get one that meets brand requirements. It's a free market, what's the problem? Direct AU is different though as what the PRP proposed in the public forum, will actually allow cybersquatting. No rules.

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