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DN Trade Updates


Top Contributor
There are a few changes to DN Trade I'd like to let everyone know about.

Firstly, I'd like to send a massive thanks to Neddy and FPR for their support over the past month or so. Apart from his passion for DNT, Ned has always come across as a fair person and this is something I will continue to maintain on the forum. I'm also asking for some patience and understanding from DN Trade members as I continue to find my feet.

Secondly, I've asked Tim (findtim) if he can help me as a moderator and I'd like everyone to welcome and support him. If anyone has an issue with moderation on DNT at any time I'm always happy to discuss it, please just PM me directly. Not all of us have to get along (the difference in opinions is one of the things I like about DNT), but if we keep things professional it makes DNT a more enjoyable place for all of us and also more welcoming for new members.

Last of all, the Legal, Marketplace and Appraisals forum areas are now only accessible to logged in users. This means the content is private, and not indexed by Google, or seen by "lurkers". This configuration has been requested by many members and has now been done.

I look forward to ensuring DN Trade remains a great place for us all to enjoy, share and learn from each other :)

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Top Contributor
happy fathers day all. i got a coffee mug made by max 4yr old ( i don't drink coffee) and a hand made cardboard tie from ruby 5.5yr ( i don't like wearing ties ) but both are very special presents.

thanks chris for also introducing me as a new moderator.
chris is soooooo keen to take dnt to the next level which ned has set up perfectly for all of US , the key words here are "I've asked Tim (findtim) if he can help me as a moderator " , that just means "help".... nothing more.

chris is the boss and that is JUST that, all i wish to do is support the forum ethics and etiquette as best i can which i believe in and i think ned has created a GREAT set of standards for dnt to continue with.

In reality everyone is a moderator, what i love about dnt is members mostly self-moderate other members and that banter is healthy....mostly.

I'm excited about the future of dnt for all of us, NOW is the time to get involved and help shape this industry.

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