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.com spam


Top Contributor
my spam jumped mountains today, buy this....... buy that, indian developers, seo etc and i thought WHY?
then i realised i bought a .com yesterday, something i rarely do !
YESTERDAY ! and the emails read " i've been to your site and i think we can improve your SEO..........." ummmm, its blank ! i only registered it yesterday?
"we looked at your design and found it not mobile responsive" ...ummmm, there is just a white page on it !
F me, i'm glad i don't do that often


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
thats cruel.
Only a non .com investor would say that, more than once I have said "i do not need development thanks" only to have the phone abruptly hang up in my ear, I think perhaps only one time out of more than a hundred times has the person at the other end acted with any decency ....... most .com investors would all agree "f*ck em! enough is enough"

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
No more .Tv's for me thanks! Interesting to note that nambio shows a lot of "channel" sales over the last year, but all in .com ?


Top Contributor
dear "the artist formally known as spacey, formally known as hiredomains, soon to be formally known as ............."

i like the " You do realize your a Domainer blog, not Harrods"


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Just following Erwin/Photoman/eg73's lead ....... my new avatar is also now on gravatar/namepros as well so it is a "blanket" statement, although they are not Harrods that is one great list of one word .coms for sale


Top Contributor
i think i'll just save myself the trouble and get to know you as " formally know as" , this will save time in the future

we could shorten it to "FnA" :p


Evan Jenkin

my spam jumped mountains today, buy this....... buy that, indian developers, seo etc and i thought WHY?
then i realised i bought a .com yesterday, something i rarely do !
YESTERDAY ! and the emails read " i've been to your site and i think we can improve your SEO..........." ummmm, its blank ! i only registered it yesterday?
"we looked at your design and found it not mobile responsive" ...ummmm, there is just a white page on it !
F me, i'm glad i don't do that often

I get at least 10 calls a day and 12-15 emails a day from Indians. I have been to India and I saw how hard life is there for many but it is still very annoying. I have started spamming the spammers with ads for my domain names. Hopefully that will work. :)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Only five calls yesterday and 22 emails, must be a holiday in India LOL ..... they are killing their own reputation with this approach to what are just WordPress sites on average


Top Contributor
bottom feeders.
but unfortunately the outsource market is losing its appeal, MANY are now charging $30 USD p/h + , their skills are worth it but that BIG money compared to average income in these countries.
can't fault them for trying .
i got a quote from one of my outsources yesterday, what was $300 2 years ago is now $1200 + USD ! they just price themselves out of the market.
so instead of saying OK, i said no and just did it myself today !

Robert Crain

Regular Member
Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll do 1 of a few things - blow the whislte I bought specifically for them, OR I'll keep them on the phone for half an hour, asking them questions about different domains, and what they can do for me, only to make them hang up after I say that it's OK - I've been doing what they do for about 20 years. Sometimes, I'll just put the phone down and go play with the dogs.

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