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Tough going man. Making money from domains and websites is a pretty competitive business. You have come to a forum where some users have many years experience, they have seen it all before, and made a lot of money. They are professional domainers.

They can size things up pretty quickly, and have had to learn way in many cases.

This forum is simply the best place to discuss domains in Australia.

Saying all this no one is claiming to be an 'domain expert' so you might get some noses out of joint with that username.

So far as this Aussiebillsaver.com.au domain with a website on it goes, you are getting onto the right track. Think of it as an experiment, that might make some money.

We also need a thick skin to be able to take some of the tough critics and stay focussed on the business we are here for.

My take on pricing: 'the market is always right'

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Archived Member
100% agree with you. I am enjoying & learning a lot from everyone in this forum.

And yes you are correct again that my choice of this user name may have started things on wrong foot.

Regarding AussieBillSaver.com.au, I would love for right person to pick it up to take it forward from where it is currently at....

Thank You once again.
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