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ASIC business name rego


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just a recap, asic is now in control of business name regos so i found it really frustrating in the past few weeks trying to get 2 new business names registered.

having said that i actually found the website terribly annoying but the help line fantastic ( compared to other gov depts ) my calls were answered within @ 10 minutes which is great for GOV type calls, the staff really helpful , both business names needed to got to " manual approval" and i actually got a phone call from them for one of them ! and explained my reason and she said she would look out for it if i applied again on that day, i got notification of acceptance that afternoon !

i'm happy and thats a rare case with the GOV depts, just thought i'd put some good energy into the air considering they have just changed everything over from states to asic. SOOO check your business name renewal dates as currently asic is @ 4 months behind in sending out renewal notices ! one of mine has expired but asic told me its their fault and i have no worries, i offered to pay right THEN and they said it wasn't possible... i had to wait for the renewal notice.

i know you don't need a business name to register a domain but sometimes you DO need to in my opinion

unfortunately the revamp of asic.gov.au has been a disaster - they took a solid well built site and destroyed it. I documented about 12 problems after 2 minutes of use and sent it through, but ASIC just ignored it. It is a good example of where usability is not taken into consideration.

The worst thing about the new site is that when you apply for a business name and it approves availability (so no manual check required) it takes about a week to get the certificate and registration. The old Victorian system registered your business name on the spot if it didn't require manual examination. They have to realise that these registrations are often time sensitive - getting a name registered a week later is to late.

I would personally sack the developer and start again....

Ideally it is best to apply for a trademark for any serious venture - you get a filing number instantly and the site actually works.

PS.I posted a trademark process infographic the other day - check it out.


Top Contributor
The business registration system seems to be a complete mess, I don't think these guys have sent out a single renewal notice since they took it over, everytime I took at their site there is a new month when they will supposedly start sending out notices.


Top Contributor
yes Erhan i had to try MANY times to get them through, my next step is trademark, i was advised by a expert...... uuummmm ! oh that was you :D

The business registration system seems to be a complete mess, I don't think these guys have sent out a single renewal notice since they took it over, everytime I took at their site there is a new month when they will supposedly start sending out notices.

i was told november maybe !


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