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$20 Best Caption Contest


Top Contributor
Thanks for all the entries. It was hard to choose a winner because they were all so good!

But I went for this one by @DnEbook because I loved the play on words! So well done Rod – I know you want to donate your winnings, so please send me the link.

"The Winner"


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Thanks for all the entries. It was hard to choose a winner because they were all so good!

But I went for this one by @DnEbook because I loved the play on words! So well done Rod – I know you want to donate your winnings, so please send me the link.

"The Winner"

Thanks Ned, P.M sent, I would just like to thank my family, my friends, my fellow domainers etc, etc and ......


Top Contributor
Amazing to think $25 can get someone's eyesight back, especially when you think about how much time people like us spend on the computer, so a good day for someone! Cheers, payment just made

Fred Hollows was an amazing man, and he has left a wonderful legacy. Good charity to support Rod. Well done mate.


Top Contributor
fred hollows, most know him for his overseas work but the legacy has continued with what i feel he would have liked

just a note: there are MANY optometrists from australia spending their holiday time abroad, especially in the south pacific doing freebies

i don't think anyone could doubt that i know about this unreported work

great choice dnebook


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