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1) grandfathering is just delaying something that is wrong and trying to make it more palitable.
what concern is it for dubbodentist that a business has not gone well ? they took a risk like every business and taking money from people to pay for your mistake is wrong.
3) if part of what you mean is dumping the abn i am for that, otherwise a fan site etc still won't get the .au if its taken so where is the benefit?
4) they have had yearssssss to review whats gone wrong in the past, and what they did this time was pitiful in my view, as weel as being to late and thats exactly how they wanted it.
6/5) 2 choices: first, not enough to warrant the dentists fees or 2) make defensive registrations free and then those bloggers can pick whats left
8) agree with your extra point of view, but "insignificant" , i don't care if it costs 5 cents, its still MY 5 cents and they are not asking for it, they are simply holding you to ransom
we will always be in competition with .com , its unbeatable, any amazing aussie startup is gong to turn to .com eg: http://www.honeyflow.com/ the MEGA cloud funding idea from byron bay, the other tlds are so diverse you are never going to stop that, its like trying to stop your wife from buying shoes.
9) you don't run 2 baths for 1 baby, its a waste of water


Top Contributor
this thread is turning into "keep the domainers busy............."
all the same stuff now, no new news


Top Contributor
In my opinion, it really sounds like you are channeling your mentor George Pongas (AusRegistry executive and auDA Board Director).

This is a domainers / domain investors forum - and whilst it's great to get contributions from the "dark side" and sponsors occasionally - don't be surprised if most on here have a different agenda to you. ;) (That's a friendly wink).
Members here are actually competitors. Domainers getting advise from other domainers on a domaining forum is akin to two stock brokers reading each others tweets rather than reading the news. I hope today I brought a little bit of extra information into your lives and perhaps encouraged a few members to read more than just dntrade when trying to figure out where the industry is going.

If anyone is in Melbourne next week be sure to come to the meetup and hear what I really think after I've had a few beers, that can be really funny.

I am also happy to leave the forum alone if everyone thinks I am actually a proxy and not actually some dude that has sold tens of thousands of domain names and who's business is just as stuffed as all of yours if the impending doom and gloom is to be believed.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I'd ask that the ramifications of direct registrations/defensive registrations be explained to all domain owners so a true and educated response could be arrived at.

Not the disgusting dishonest survey undertaken recently that was used to prop up this bullshit.


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Well the answer to that one is simple. A single email to all registrants advising them of the proposed changes and seeking comment would have been the most reasonable thing to do.
answered by horshack
how hard would that have been?
at the moment i seem to get an email a week about the auIGF from auda so it seems they have the capabilities to do it !!!!!
knowledge of how to isn't the barrier
money isn't
time shouldn't be, what else are they paid for?
I am so glad I put the word REASONABLE in caps to make sure the two of you did not miss it.


Top Contributor
I am also happy to leave the forum alone if everyone thinks I am actually a proxy and not actually some dude that has sold tens of thousands of domain names and who's business is just as stuffed as all of yours if the impending doom and gloom is to be believed.
It's violin time again obviously.

By the way, didn't you tell me last year that drop catching is stuffed, and that you were going to get out of it? ;) (That's another friendly wink). Or have you had a change of heart / mind? And aren't you doing external work at the moment not related to drop catching?


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I'd ask that the ramifications of direct registrations/defensive registrations be explained to all domain owners so a true and educated response could be arrived at.
Explained to all domain owners to they can give an educated response. Are you serious? It is logistically unreasonable to discuss the pros and cons for 4 hours with 3 million people. We have to make do with listening to their elected representatives instead and feedback given by industry experts who gave up a few hours a month for a few months of the year to discuss this for everyone else and then make educated responses for them.
Not the disgusting dishonest survey undertaken recently that was used to prop up this bullshit.
It is improbable that a single survey (or even three surveys) generated a consensus on the Names Panel and then duped 10-12 directors into agreeing with the change. These are reasonable, educated and experienced people participating in these Panels and Meetings.


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Domainers getting advise from other domainers
i agree preaching to the converted is useless and we know it, its obvious nobody is going to move on their thoughts.
so then the only way to solve this issue is to ask the concerned stakeholders, domain name OWNERS, all of them.
you'll never get everyone answering but at least auda can say "we did that" and then i am prepared to go with the majority viewpoint.
but as it stands MY survey is a 100% no, so i can't see that changing.


Top Contributor
It's violin time again obviously.

By the way, didn't you tell me last year that drop catching is stuffed, and that you were going to get out of it? ;) (That's another friendly wink). Or have you had a change of heart / mind? And aren't you doing external work at the moment not related to drop catching?
This winking stuff is absurd, it makes it look like you and I have some secret information which no one else is privy too.

Drop catching is probably stuffed in about two years time when 1 - 5 year registrations get implemented. That could make drop catching very quiet for a new years. It is also very expensive to run and you can drive yourself insane doing it. You cannot sell the company and you cannot just walk away (just ask drop). Not to mention the headache of ISS Compliance, that was a total headache as a drop catcher. Instead of being a golden goose you follow around collecting eggs it is more akin to the process of extracting golden teeth from rabbid stray dogs. Most days I curse ever getting involved but some days I don't mind it too much.

I work about 50/50 on new projects and on Domain Shield.


Top Contributor
i agree preaching to the converted is useless and we know it, its obvious nobody is going to move on their thoughts.
so then the only way to solve this issue is to ask the concerned stakeholders, domain name OWNERS, all of them.
you'll never get everyone answering but at least auda can say "we did that" and then i am prepared to go with the majority viewpoint.
but as it stands MY survey is a 100% no, so i can't see that changing.
Tim, if you got a 100% survey you definitely have some bias in your survey.
Here is an interesting question for you. How should auDA go about contacting your respondents? I noticed a thread earlier where you claim you have listed your own email as the registrant email address which by the way is a clear breach of auDA policy.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Yep it's logistically unreasonable to send out an email to 1.7 million stakeholders.

Sounds like the great spam sham defence again.

How much does it cost to send an email? How much moola does auDA have invested? Millions!

The sheer arrogance of the supply side is breathtaking.


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listed your own email as the registrant email address
i'm sure it says somewhere it is allowed when the owner approves and i have approval from all my clients.
their name, ABN, is on the registration but not their contact details, as this information does not seem to be private and my clients do not want the spam, as it is we receive masses of spam each day so the client doesn't, I and my clients prefer it that way.
if i am breaking a rule then its a bad rule.
as for something from auda, IF i EVER actually got anything for a client, which i NEVER have, i would then simply forward it on, the only thing i filter is spam i can guarantee you anything that concerns them ( rare) is forwarded.
i call it providing a good service.

there is a resent thread that this is mentioned, i'll try to find it when i get a chance and quote the auda reference.



Top Contributor
Yep it's logistically unreasonable to send out an email to 1.7 million stakeholders.
Sounds like the great spam sham defence again.
yes it is, the reality is that it isn't 1.7 million emails, its ONE, as thats how many 1 person will have to read, so 1.7mil emails isn't spam.
i received today 3 letters ( same ) from our local member re the election, 1 to me, 1 to helena and 1 to someone else with this address? . is that spam? should we stop the politicians?
think of the money that is about to be wasted on election day, posters, street signs, letters, pamplets, how to vote, fence wraps, streamers, balloons etccccccccccccccc , who pays for that? taxpayers, yes then party not in power has to add to the budget but some is still paid for.


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just for curiosity i just found 4 LLL's avail for hand reg .com.au, i only had to guess @ 10 to find those 4 + i'm sure i have seen recently a bunch go through drops without even a bid.

edit, i have a NL.com.au , i got it simply to have a short email address for one of my laptops to send to eg: t@NL.com.au is so much better then another@white.................................................... when doing repetitive stuff nobody else will see

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