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LoanProfessional.com.au is it worth anything

Evan Jenkin

Hi Everyone I am 8 months new to domain trading and would appreciate your advice on values for these .com.au domains.


Top Contributor
The singular LoanProfessional.com.au is the best of the group.
It's still a tough sell. While the .com for the term is in use, it's only registered in five extensions and the others don't resolve or are for sale. There is also no one paying for advertising for the term on Google.
You could try some outbound marketing to mortgage brokers.
On another note, there hasn't been a reported sale of an Icelandic domain since mid 2015 - not impossible, but very tough to sell.


Top Contributor
That would be throwing good money after bad.
For some people, yes, however, it depends on the individual's situation. Not everyone has the portfolio or finances to play at the big end of town. For those that do, it would be a waste of time for sure.
LoanProfessional.com.au is not a great domain, but it is something that exists and my experience has been that sometimes you can get a sale on this type of name. Once you've got some customisable email templates set up, it doesn't take long to research and contact potential endusers. For me, if I've got $20 in a name, I'm happy to spend a bit of time doing outbound marketing - it beats watching TV. If I'd let all my suspect domain purchases expire without attempting to sell them I'd be thousands of dollars worse off.


Top Contributor
For some people, yes, however, it depends on the individual's situation. Not everyone has the portfolio or finances to play at the big end of town. For those that do, it would be a waste of time for sure.
LoanProfessional.com.au is not a great domain, but it is something that exists and my experience has been that sometimes you can get a sale on this type of name. Once you've got some customisable email templates set up, it doesn't take long to research and contact potential endusers. For me, if I've got $20 in a name, I'm happy to spend a bit of time doing outbound marketing - it beats watching TV. If I'd let all my suspect domain purchases expire without attempting to sell them I'd be thousands of dollars worse off.

I really doubt buying names like this then trying to "outbound marketing" to sell them is going to be profitable. A good name will get some level of inquiry, whether it costs $100 or $10,000. If it doesn't then the name is worthless.

If the OP was going to follow this advice about outbound marketing, he should carefully monitor how much time is spent on this so the real cost of getting any (or indeed no) sales could be calculated. In my view the best course of action is dropping the name and doing more research on the type of domain that sells. For reg fee names it is extremely difficult to turn a profit buying those names and these are mediocre selections.


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I really doubt buying names like this
I'm not suggesting that he should buy more names like this.
A good name will get some level of inquiry, whether it costs $100 or $10,000. If it doesn't then the name is worthless.
I've sold many names via outbound marketing that have never had an inbound inquiry. They weren't worthless to me. Of course, they can't compare to the sort of transactions you're involved in. That would be like a decent club level tennis player lining up their tournament successes against Roger Federer.
If the OP was going to follow this advice about outbound marketing, he should carefully monitor how much time is spent on this so the real cost of getting any (or indeed no) sales could be calculated. In my view the best course of action is dropping the name and doing more research on the type of domain that sells. For reg fee names it is extremely difficult to turn a profit buying those names and these are mediocre selections.
Good advice. Mind you, I'd still have a go at selling the name before it dropped ;)


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get some level of inquiry, whether it costs $100 or $10,000. If it doesn't then the name is worthless.
thats a crock, thats like saying telstra don't need to advertise !
so why do they? because people need to know whats available to them, no different to domain names.

just last week i moved a business from a SH*T domain to a much better one, this involved me searching what was available and for sale and convincing the business owner to TOTALLY dump their current brand and switch, new logo, business cards, truck signage everything as i told them rebuilding their website on their current CRAPPY domain name was pointless.
the owner didn't think a domain name had any importance or he could get a good one, brandable even though he did already decide to get a better website and start a lot fo SEO $$$$
so outbound marketing is well justified and proven imo


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I've personally had limited success with outbound sales efforts. It's only worked for me when it's been highly targeted and the domains have been particularly good. 99% of my sales are inbound.

I agree that it's a waste of time for lower (or nil) value domains.

For crappy domains (mistakes, learning curve costs - whatever you want to call them!), I'll sometimes post on a forum to see if I can squeeze some money out. As the saying goes, try to find a 'greater fool'.

You have to weigh up the value of your time. A few minutes posting on a forum is one thing, but sending out dozens of emails or ringing lots of local businesses is a waste of time for crappy domains.


Top Contributor
It is nothing like selling a phone Tim. Businesses want specific names at specific times. Trying to sell a name via outbound marketing and you are selling to people who are 99% not interested, any sales will be the result of your time, not the value of the domain, because if the name needs that to sell it is worthless. It isn't a cure for a bad name either, just away to waste even more money/time on something.

Tim, the example you cite looks to have nothing to do with outbound marketing. You bought a name for someone, how is that an outbound sale?

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